
What the hell! First blog post/. I will try and make a blog post whenever I have something to update the masses on (really just the two people that probably will ever check this). I am working on my first production that I will have out hopefully next week so I am very excited and nervous to share it with you. Once again, it is just about creating and being passionate about things. There is a quality control that every artist should strive to have but letting others determine the quality of your art is not important. I will be adding some Entropy photos today while enjoying the weekend with mi amigos.

My final thoughts

As I have been creating this website (impossible task), I have been reflecting on what it means and why I am doing this. I think a lot of this stems from the fact that people are so afraid to be themselves and be who they are creatively. I think a lot of people think creating is corny and cheesy and not real life. I don’t know. It could be. Everyone could talk behind me back but how would that stop me? I am the one who is creating not them. It is more of a reflection of my mind than theirs. I think people get so caught up in these fake scenarios and fake realities. I wish more people expressed themselves. I wish people realized these things are not that serious. I have a shirt that say LISTEN SEE DESTROY and someone was asking me what do I destroy? Well, easy answer there Becky. I destroy the norms. There are no norms when it comes to creating and being an artist. It’s a reflection of you.


“I rest my head on your shoulder and all the night flows out of me”
